In the business world, competitive advantage is the lifeline of a company. Having a clear established competitive advantage not only lets a business survive but provides them with the opportunity to thrive.
The ability to hire foreign employees has seen companies experience a wide range of benefits, ranging from filling skilled roles that were limited in your domestic area to experiencing new, creative, and rich perspectives initially off-limits to you.
But the rise of remote work allows you to access a larger talent pool. Businesses have found a way to adapt and gain a competitive advantage against each other, one such method being the use of a professional employment organisation (PEO).
This training course is perfect for those who involve in hiring foreign workers to understand the process of hiring, compliance, the process of hiring and do’s and don’t’ s. For those who are not involve directly in the process, this training will equip them a knowledge of hiring foreign workers and the impact of non-compliance.
To provide participants with the knowledge necessary to understand clearly, the requirements of government bodies. Participants will be taught process and the related knowledge with Employment Act 1955 those foreign workers cover under the Act.
Skill/competencies coverage